Monday, August 1, 2011


It's Saturday night September 10th. You're counting down the minutes until the first McCann's Sunday of the year. You don't want to go out tonight because you know there's a free Bud Light awaiting you as you walk into the bar at 11:30 AM. Unfortunately for you, you know you wont be able to sleep without a few brews due to the butterflies in your stomach over who to give the nod to as your #3 WR. A few brews turns into 10 and a few tequilla shots down at McGoreys and now you're asking everybody in the bar about your dilemma at WR and that's when you black out. You wake up at 11 and roll out of bed. You walk to the fridge and much to your dismay, you're out of Gatorade, so you settle for a big glass of water. Steve Breaston or James Jones. Breaston or Jones... Or maybe Lance Moore.. Crap... You just can't figure it out... You walk into the bathroom and brush your teeth, staring into your own blood shot eyes and thinking "How am I going to drink Beer Towers today?" You now sit down in your chair and decide that it's time to make the big decision. You log on to and click on your matchup only to have a horrifying discovery. Chills run up your spine and goosebumps cover your arms. No, it's not Lukas. The Chris that you are matched up against is not the Chris you thought you were playing all week. Because on the screen staring you in the face are the The Husky Tunas. And nothing is more terrifying than that. Just ask Christine.

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